
What is SCALES?

In August of 2001 area law enforcement joined forces to create SCALES. The purpose for creating this task force was to create a multi-jurisdictional investigative unit that could handle major crime investigations. By doing this we literally have more than 40 experienced investigators available upon making a few phone calls.

Members of this organization include:

  • Hall County Sheriff's Department
  • Grand Island Police Department
  • Adams County Sheriff's Department
  • Hastings Police Department
  • Kearney Police Department
  • Buffalo County Sheriff's Department
  • Dawson County Sheriff's Department
  • Holdrege Police Department
  • Phelps County Sheriff's Office
  • Aurora Police Department
  • Lexington Police Department
  • Cozad Police Department
  • Merrick County Sheriff's Office
  • Clay County Sheriff's Office
Affiliate Members

  • Gosper County Sheriff's Office
  • Harlan County Sheriff's Office
  • Nebraska State Patrol
Additionally we combined our monetary resources for purchasing investigative equipment that none of us could afford on our own, pool our manpower resources for larger annual events and offer applicant pooling for new hires. We also offer specialized trainings several times each year. We bring the instructor to us, saving taxpayers of our region a considerable amount of money if you compare the cost of sending an officer to out-of-state training for a week.

SCALES vision is to collaboratively offer our constituents effective and efficient law enforcement services by sharing resources. We strive to make our region a safer place to live and enhance our quality of life.