Corrections Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

These are the answers to some of the most common questions we receive, you can browse the different sections of the FAQ by clicking on the section names in the menu to the left.

If you have a question that is not answered in the FAQ please call the Corrections Administration office.
Inmate Programs
Inmate Programs


Religious programs will be offered to inmates of the Hall County Department of Corrections. Specific religious activities may be requested by submitting an INMATE REQUEST FORM to the Department Programs Coordinator.

  • Male Church Service- conducted on a weekly basis by community churches.
    • Female Church Service- conducted on a weekly basis by community churches.
    • Spanish Church Service- conducted on a weekly basis by community churches.
    • Female Bible Study- conducted weekly.
HEALTH DEPARTMENT PROGRAMS - HIV / AIDS testing and STD Safe Sex program.

*A minimum of one (1) hour of exercise will be allowed five (5) days per week to inmates housed in this facility.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS and NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS - AA and NA programs are conducted by representatives from community AA and NA groups as available.
Inmate Trustee Programs


Inmate workers must display the ability to get along with other inmates, inmate workers and correctional officers. To be considered for inmate workers , an inmate must have a good jail record. Inmate workers are required to maintain a high degree of personal hygiene, and a neat, clean, well-groomed appearance. Kitchen inmate workers may have a neatly trimmed mustache. No beards will be allowed. Inmate workers may lose their classification for any violation of jail rules.


  1. Inmate workers shall not receive visitors while working outside.
  2. Inmate workers will have no contact from family or friends while outside working.
  3. All money shall be placed on the inmate worker's account. No money shall be left with any employee or inmate workers. Inmate workers will not be given or possess smoking materials at any time.
  4. Once inmate workers leave the jail for work during anytime of the day or night, they shall be allowed to return only to Release Center for restroom or meal breaks. Inmate workers shall be strip searched before entering the jail for these breaks. The inmate workers shall be accompanied by staff during any work in this facility or the immediate vicinity.
  5. Inmate workers will be supervised at all times when outside. They will always be in the sight of the Maintenance staff.
  6. All tools needed for working in the jail need to be brought in by the Maintenance staff.
  7. Inmate workers will be allowed to use the inmate telephone in the Maintenance Shop.
  8. Inmate workers will wear uniforms at all times. This means both the top and the bottom of the uniform.
  9. Inmate workers will wear safety equipment when called for.
  10. Inmate workers will be strip-searched upon return to the jail from outside projects.
  11. Outside inmate workers are picked from inside inmate workers. Their work habits and willingness to work are a determining factor on being chosen for outside inmate worker.
Electronic House Arrest
If an inmate is sentenced to jail, they may be able to participate in the Electronic House Arrest Program. The inmate must submit an INMATE REQUEST FORM for further information.
Work Release Rules
  1. Employers shall provide written documentation that employees are covered under current Nebraska Workman's Compensation Law.
  2. Once work release has been approved, the inmate will read and acknowledge his/her understanding of the order for Work Release by signing and dating the statement that he/she understands any violation of the general terms and conditions would be cause for termination of work release status.
  3. The order for work release will be validated with the Judge's signature as approval.
  4. The work release inmate will follow all rules of the Hall County Department of Corrections.
  5. The Hall County Department of Corrections may conduct an in-house Disciplinary Hearing on the violation of these work release rules. The sentencing judge may also hold an informal hearing on violating the work release court order.
  6. Any violation of jail rules and regulations or work release rules will be cause for possible removal from the work release program and the sentencing judge will be notified.
  7. Once violated from the work release program, an inmate will not be considered for work release again for one calendar year.
  8. Work Release inmates may bring in two (2) sets of clothing in addition to what they are wearing.
  9. All Work Release inmates will be strip searched every time they enter the jail.
  10. Work Release inmates will do their own laundry with jail provided washer and dryer.
  11. Work Release inmates will be required to change into jail uniforms while in the facility.
  12. Work Release inmates will place their clothing in the proper storage area.
  13. Transportation arrangement will be the responsibility of the inmate.
  14. Work release inmates are not allowed to have more than one (1) job or any part-time jobs.
  15. No pre-sentenced inmate will be eligible for work release.
  16. Work release inmates must pass an initial drug-screen at their expense and are subject to random drug and/or alcohol testing.
Good Time Credit will be computed per Nebraska Revised State Statute 47-502:

"Any person sentenced to a city or county jail shall, after the fifteenth day of his or her confinement, have his or her remaining term reduced one day for each day of his or her sentence during which he or she has not committed any breach of discipline or other violation of jail regulations."

Sentences of contempt, house arrest, or of any other judicial order are not eligible for good time credit.

The Hall County Department of Corrections Court Liaison Officer calculates all good time. Questions concerning good time shall be addressed to the Court Liaison Officer.


  • Fines may be sat out at the rate of $150.00 per day (24 hours). Fines cannot be sat out while on the Work Release Program. If a time-pay was not granted at sentencing, an inmate must complete a request for time payment form.


  • All prisoners shall read the rules and regulations upon admission to the Hall County Department of Corrections. All prisoners shall read these rules and regulations, and agree they have read, understand, and will abide by the rules of this INSTITUTION.
An inmate may be eligible for release on bond. There are four kinds of bonds:

  1. CASH BOND: Requires the full amount of the bond in cash.
  2. SURETY BOND: May be obtained from a professional bondsman who is licensed and usually charges a percentage fee. Check the yellow pages of the directory under BONDSMAN for a listing of the sureties. Our personnel cannot recommend a bondsman. Surety bonds shall be posted at the courthouse during the court's business hours. After court hours, surety bonds may be posted at the jail.
  3. 10% BOND: This bond is set by a Judge. 10% of the full amount of the bond may be paid in cash only. Surety bonds cannot be applied towards a 10% bond.
  4. PERSONAL (O.R.) OR RECOGNIZANCE BOND: You may be released on your promised written appearance to appear in court. This requires a Judge's approval.


  • Purge amounts for District Court Bonds must be paid in District Court during business hours.
  • The jail cannot take out-of-county District Court Bonds.


  • All inmates going to court for arraignment shall wear a jail issued uniform and sandals.
  • All inmates going to any court proceeding after initial arraignment must wear a full jail issued uniform and sandals.
  • All inmates going to jury trials will wear street clothing brought in by their attorney.
 Books or magazines sent to an inmate will be placed in the inmate's personal property and given to the individual upon release.

NO PROPERTY WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM VISITORS AFTER INMATE IS BOOKED. (The only exception is requested street clothing for jury trials that the attorney brings in).

ICE detainees may have one set of clothing (coat, shirt, pants, shoes, socks, underwear) dropped off for them prior to their deportation.

The Hall County Department of Corrections will provide all footwear and underwear for those inmates assigned to a housing level.


When releasing property, an inmate will complete a PROPERTY RELEASE SLIP. They must fill in the amount of money and/or the items to be released, on the appropriate lines. After they have signed this form in front of an officer, the specified property and/or money may be released. The person the inmate wants to release property or money to must be here at the time the release slip is filled out.


The Hall County Department of Corrections will not accept checks as a deposit to an inmate’s account. If an inmate has a check on him/her when booked in, the check is handled as inmate property and is returned to the inmate when released.
Personal Hygiene Supplies
On assignment to a housing area, inmates will be issued soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, underwear and shower shoes from jail supplies. Inmates desiring supplies of other brands can order from commissary as needed.

Razor pass will be done Monday through Friday of each week to a select number of cellblocks as scheduled. Individual inmates will be permitted to shave once per week for 15 or 30 minutes, as scheduled (also for jury trials). Special consideration may be given to those inmates having a Court Appearance. Razors will be picked up 25 minutes after being issued. Absolutely no shaving of heads, or giving an issued razor to another inmate. An inmate is responsible for their own issued razor and failure to comply with this directive will result in the appropriate write up and disciplinary charges.

Any inmate wishing to have a haircut needs to fill out an Inmate Request Form. Haircuts are given only on Saturdays. Haircuts are given by other inmates, supervised by officers. An inmate must be confined for a period of at least 30 days before they are eligible to receive a haircut. After the initial haircut they may get one no sooner than every 30 days. Shaved heads are not allowed. Anyone changing their hairstyle will be required to have their inmate photo retaken.
Medical Services
If an inmate needs medical attention, they must inform the correctional officer who will have them write a request on the kiosk. Their sick call request will go to the medical staff and they will be seen on the next available sick call day.

For any medical emergency, an inmate must notify a correctional officer who shall inform the Shift Supervisor. If necessary, the Shift Supervisor will contact the medical staff.

All doctor referrals will be through the medical staff.

Any inmate wishing to be tested for STD's should make their request to the medical staff. The medical staff will then make the necessary arrangements through the Choice Family Health Services. All information will be confidential.

Mental Health counseling may be provided for inmates of the Hall County Department of Corrections. Requests for this service shall be directed to Mental Health by using the kiosk. A screening process will be conducted to determine the best course of treatment.
Telephone access is a privilege, not a right. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the U.S. Mail is the only communication device recognized by the Courts.

There are collect telephones installed within each cell block area. Telephone instructions are posted in each cell area. They may be used anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Free calling is provided to the Public Defender's office and the Probation office through the collect telephones.

No incoming calls or messages will be accepted for inmates. If an emergency call is received for an inmate, the caller will be asked to give a name and state the nature of the emergency. An inmate may then return the emergency call by using the phones that are located within each cell block area.

The telephone equipment is installed and serviced by a telephone contractor. If the equipment is damaged or destroyed, it will be repaired in accordance with the telephone contractor's schedule, which can be up to thirty days or more.

Local calls are currently $2.25 plus any applicable long distance charges. Each number called is allowed charges of $35.00 per day, $100.00 in seven-day period or $200.00 in a 30 day period. Once an inmate has reached their calling limit, the phone number will be blocked. When your phone bill is paid, you must call 1-800-844-6591 to have the inmate phone company verify and reset the number. They may require an additional deposit before allowing the number again. Special deposits can be set up with the company by contacting the 800 number, so your calling privilege is not interrupted because of an unpaid bill. The Hall County Department of Corrections is not responsible for any "call blocks" to a number an inmate has tried to dial, and is the sole responsibility of the inmate phone service provider. Inmate phone time may be purchased on Commissary.

Cell phone usage by inmates is prohibited. All cell phones will be turned off and placed in the inmate's property. All collect telephone calls will be recorded.


All video sessions are subject to monitoring and will be recorded. Behavior that is detrimental to the visitation rules will result in a loss of privileges on the system.


  1. ON-SITE and AT-HOME video visits must be scheduled in advance by the visitor from the Cidnet Website. The visitor MUST be listed as an inmate's contact to visit. Please visit their website at https://customer.cidnet.net/ to set up an account and make deposits. On your customer account you can make deposits to your data balance and/or your inmate's data balance. Friends and family will need the following to link with inmates thru CIDNET: email address, valid US photo ID, date of birth, home address
  2. AT-HOME visits will be subject to a small fee and can be scheduled with a 3 hour wait period with prior site approval, and can be scheduled 7 days a week, 9:00am to 9:00pm.
  3. ON-SITE visit hours are on the hour from 9:00am to 5:00pm, Tuesday thru Friday. Visits run on the hour for 55 minutes. Each inmate is allowed two 55 minute visits per week.
  4. The duration of an ON-SITE visit is 55 minutes, the duration for an AT-HOME visit ranges from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.
  5. ALL VISITS are recorded and subject to electronic monitoring by the Hall County Jail. All ON-SITE visitors must show up at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled visit as the visit starts on the hour and will expire (end) 5 minutes after the hour if both parties are not present and logged in.
  6. ALL VISITS: No NUDITY, provocative clothing, or tight fitting clothing will be allowed during the visit. Violators will be suspended from visitation.
  7. ON-SITE: Visitors must be properly dressed. Both adults and children must wear shoes at all times.
  8. ON-SITE visits: During a visit, the visitor is required to remain at the visitation booth. If the visitor leaves the visitation booth, then the visit will be terminated.
  9. ALL VISITS: all inmates are required to have their wristband to receive visitors. NO WRISTBAND, NO VISIT.
  10. ALL VISITORS appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, will not be permitted into the video visitation area and their visit will be cancelled.
  11. ON-SITE visits: no items may be given to the inmate by visitors. No visitor shall bring personal items into the visitation area, other than identification, vehicle key(s) and cash. Personal property other than those items listed shall be secured outside of the facility or in the provided locker.
  12. ON-SITE visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, and supervised at all times.
  13. ON-SITE visitors cannot be on Parole, Probation, Drug Court or out on bond.
  14. ALL VISITORS ON-SITE AND AT-HOME: Use of cell phones or any other electronic devices are prohibited. Violators will be suspended from visitation.
  15. ALL VISITS: Loud talking, excessive emotionalism, or any type of disruptive behavior by the inmate, adults or children will not be permitted.
  16. ON-SITE visitors: Do not damage or deface the visitation equipment. If you damage or deface the equipment, you could be prosecuted.
  17. ON-SITE VISITS: Any special visits must be approved by the Director or Corrections or his designee.
  18. Attorneys, Officers of the Court, Law Enforcement Officers, and clergy may have contact visits at any time reasonable. Clergy must have prior approval from the Programs Director. Medical, Mental Health and educational professionals may have contact visits only with approval thru the Office of the Director of Corrections.
  19. ALL VISITS: visitation may be altered or adjusted if required for the safe and secure operation of the facility. Failure to comply with visitation rules and regulations will result in termination of the visit and/or termination of future visits.
  20. ON-SITE: Visits are limited to one visitor and one child per visit.
  21. AT-HOME: Account holder must be present during the entire visit, may include other visitors.
Once an inmate has completed processing, they may be held in the holding area until after they have been to Court. Upon returning from Court, the Department Classification Officer will base their cell assignment upon the following criteria; their current charges (felony or misdemeanor), background, age, sex, current behavior, past behavior, and any special concerns.
Commissary is offered for the purpose of funding the Inmate Welfare Account. Anything that enhances the welfare of the inmates is paid for from the profits generated by Commissary.
Items sold through commissary include hygiene products, writing materials and postage, entertainment items, clothing , snack food and telephone calling cards.

Inmates place their orders for Commissary on the kiosk, which lists all the items available and the prices (which includes sales tax where applicable).

The commissary orders are then filled and distributed to the inmates. The total amount of each inmate's order is deducted from his/her individual trust account money ledger. Written notification will be given in case of change in days.

When commissary is distributed to the cells, each inmate is required to check the order and sign the receipt in front of the commissary passer. No refunds will be issued after this time.

Indigent commissary distribution is Wednesday thru Friday.
Library Services
The library is available 7 days per week during hours set by Administration.

To use the jail library you must sign your name on the Library Request Sign Up Sheet.

The maximum number of personal books or magazines allowed in a cell is one (1) book and one (1) magazine per inmate. Current daily newspapers are provided every day for each housing unit.

Current law books may be viewed in the law library by completing an INMATE REQUEST FORM. All law books must remain in the law library.

The law library computer is also available for inmate use. This contains all law library books in an easy-to-use digital format.
Court Filing
All inmate's Court filings shall be done through the kiosk.

The Courts will respond to inmate's legal needs in a timely manner.

The Hall County Department of Corrections shall not recommend the address of any Court office for your filings. The Courts will determine the appropriate place to forward the mail.

Inmates will be taken to Court only when requested by the Courts. Access to the Courts is guaranteed by this written procedure. (Inmates will not be allowed to take any items with them to court except legal papers for the case that is being heard at that time. All unauthorized items found on the inmate will be disposed of).

District Court Judges will not accept any mail from inmates.
Prisoners are entitled to unlimited mailing privileges. Letters will be stamped with "Hall County Jail-Inmate Mail-Contents Uncensored" by the correctional officers before being mailed. For the purpose of jail security, all incoming mail will be opened and inspected for contraband. Any money found will be placed in the INMATE TRUST ACCOUNT until an inmate's release. After inspection of the mail, it will be delivered within a reasonable amount of time. Mail, letters or notes will be accepted through the postal system only. Mail is received by the jail Monday through Friday only, with no holiday or weekend delivery.

Inmates shall be allowed to send sealed confidential mail to a specified class of persons or organizations to include their legal counsel, courts, government officials, and members of the confining authority. Outgoing mail will not be inspected, censored or opened, nor will it be interfered with in any manner. Inmate to inmate mail is not allowed in this facility.

Stamps may be purchased on commissary. Indigent prisoners will be supplied with stationary materials upon indigent commissary request for their personal use. A maximum of three (3) non-legal letters per week can be mailed from an inmate's indigent account. ("Indigent" shall mean an inmate with less than $2.00 on account for a period of one week.) The mailing address of the jail is 110 Public Safety Drive, Grand Island, NE 68802-2008.
Disciplinary Procedures
Disciplinary Procedures
The rules and regulations of the jail are intended to ensure safe custody, decent living quarters and fair treatment to all. Inmates are expected to abide by these rules. If they fail to abide by these rules, disciplinary action may be taken against them.

Commission of one or more of the prohibited actions specified in these rules and regulations may be classified as follows:

Major Violations
If an inmate is charged with a CLASS I MAJOR VIOLATION, they will receive written notice of the charges against them and be given at least 24 hours to prepare for a defense. A hearing will be held before the Disciplinary Review Board consisting of up to three (3) Sergeants and/or Corporals. The Board will consider evidence, listen to witnesses, and use the offense reports gathered to determine guilt or innocence. A decision will be rendered in writing, including any punishment if the inmate is found guilty. They have the right to appeal the decision of the Disciplinary Review Board to the Director of Corrections.

If an inmate is charged with a Class II through Class V MAJOR VIOLATION and/or a MINOR VIOLATION, the Department Disciplinary Officer will conduct an informal, non-adversarial, oral review of the facts, evidence and totality of the circumstances regarding the incident with the inmate. The Disciplinary Officer will render a reasonably weighed decision and will document the basis for the decision in writing, including the disciplinary sanction(s) imposed. The inmate has the right to appeal the decision of the Disciplinary Officer to the Director of Corrections.

Major Violations will result in one or more of the following sanctions:

  1. Written or verbal reprimand
  2. Temporary or permanent loss of one or more privileges
  3. Loss of Good Time (applicable to Class I Major Violations only)
  4. Disciplinary Segregation/Cell Restriction:
    • Class I - 15 days Disciplinary Segregation and 15 days Cell Restriction
    • Class II - 10 days Disciplinary Segregation and 10-20 days Cell Restriction
    • Class III - 05 days Disciplinary Segregation and 05-10 days Cell Restriction
    • Class IV - 01-05 days Disciplinary Segregation and 0-4 days Cell Restriction
    • Class V - One class higher than the original charge
      1. For multiple major violation charges, disciplinary segregation/cell restriction sanctions may be imposed for the highest charge only.
      2. Disciplinary Segregation will be scheduled in advance and may be served in segments based on cell availability.
Minor Violations
A MINOR VIOLATION is defined as an act that is contrary to jail rules, that is nonviolent and not causing serious hazard to the safety, welfare and integrity of other prisoners or jail personnel.

Minor violations will result in one or more of the following:

  1. Written or verbal reprimand
  2. Temporary loss of one or more privileges
  3. 01 to 04 days Cell Restriction
  4. 01 to 04 hours extra duty
Smoking violations will result in the following:

Consistent with Hall County policy on No Smoking in buildings or vehicles, any contraband smoking materials will be disposed of.

Loss of privileges for either major violations or minor violations may include the following:

  1. Loss of television and/or microwave
  2. Loss of commissary
  3. Loss of personal telephone calls (other than legal)
  4. Loss of personal visitation (other than legal or clergy)
  5. Loss of group program participation