
Phragmites / Common Reed plant  Phragmites / Common Reed head

Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.

Common name
: Common Reed
Growth form: Subshrub, Shrub, Graminoid
Life Span: Perennial
Flowering Dates: June-September
Reproduction: Sprigs
Height: 2.0 - 4.37 m (6.0 - 13.1 ft.)
Seed: The seedhead is an open panicle with a purplish or tawny and flaglike appearance after seed shatter.
Leaves: The leaf blade is flat; smooth; 1/2 to 2 inches wide; and 6 to 18 inches long.
Where Found: Primarily in wetland areas.
Uses and Values: cattle and horses. It provides high quality warm-season forage but becomes tough and unpalatable after maturity. Animals grazing this grass during winter should be fed a protein concentrate.
Poisoning: None
Other: Phragmites is a noxious weed in Nebraska and other states