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Marine Corps or Coast Guard

Obtaining Records

armed forces insigniasWhere to Obtain Military Personnel Records

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs does not maintain veterans - military service records.

The personnel records of individuals currently in the military service, in the reserve forces, and those completely separated from military service are located in different offices. A nominal fee is charged for certain types of service. In most instances service fees cannot be determined in advance. If your request involves a service fee you will be notified as soon as that determination is made.

A veteran and spouse should be aware of the location of the veteran - s discharge and separation papers. If a veteran cannot locate discharge and separation papers, duplicate copies may be obtained.

Use Standard Form 180, Request Pertaining To Military Records, which is available from VA offices and veterans organizations. Specify that a duplicate separation document or discharge is needed. The veteran - s full name should be printed or typed so that it can be read clearly, but the request must also contain the signature of the veteran or the signature of the next of kin, if the veteran is deceased. Include branch of service, service number or Social Security number and exact or approximate date and years of service.

It is not necessary to request a duplicate copy of a veteran - s discharge or separation papers solely for the purpose of filing a claim for VA benefits. If complete information about the veteran - s service is furnished on the application, VA will obtain verification of service from the National Personnel Records Center or the service department concerned.

In a medical emergency, information from a veteran's records may be obtained by phoning the National Personnel Records Center:

  • Army: (314) 538-4261
  • Air Force: (314) 538-4243

If you have any questions or concerns about this or other Veterans issues, please give us a call at (308) 385-5065