Survey Records

These documents are images of official survey records on file in the office of the Hall County Surveyor. They represent recorded information used to ascertain the true location of section corners, quarter corners, and sixteenth corners.

Due to the fact that all surveys originate from these corners it is critical that each corner's history is well documented so that they can be perpetuated with the highest confidence possible.

These records include section, township, range, monument descriptions, corner identifications, and actual field survey measurements as well as the date of survey and the surveyor in responsible charge. Additional tie sheets will be added as new information is collected and recorded as an official survey record in the office of the Hall County Surveyor.

You can access these through this page, simply select the Section, Township, and Range you are interested in and click the "Submit" button. The image of the tie sheet will open in a new window to be saved or printed.

Section: Township: Range: Quarter: