Frequently Asked Questions
What is your address?
Our address is 121 S. Pine, Ste. #6, Grand Island, NE 68801.
What are your office hours?
The Register of Deeds office hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. We are open through the lunch hour for your convenience. Documents received daily are recorded the same day and mailed back the next working day.
Can anyone access information contained in the Register of Deeds Office?
Yes. All information in our office is public record.
How do I change or add names to a Deed? Where do I get the forms?
A new Deed must be prepared if you are adding or changing names on a Deed. Many do not realize that preparing a Deed is a very complex process that requires a great deal of knowledge. It is not something that most people without legal training should attempt.

You will record the document here at a cost of $10.00 for the first page and $6.00 for each additional page. We require a 3 inch margin across the top of your document for our recording stamps. If this is not allowed, we will attach a recording page for an additional $10.00 (this recording page would be counted as your first page). You may also be required to pay Documentary Stamp Tax at the rate of $2.25 per thousand dollars of the purchase price.

When recording your Deed, be sure you have included the fully completed Real Estate Transfer Statement Form 521, even if there was no money exchanged. We cannot accept your Deed without this form!

Our office does not provide forms for any legal documents, but certain forms may be purchased at various office supply stores or printing companies.
Can you provide me legal advice?
Legal advice cannot be provided. This office is not permitted to complete forms, help customers fill out forms, or check forms to make sure the result is what the customer intended. If the customer needs help, he/she can get a book from the library or book store, but the best advice is to have the document prepared by an attorney.
To whom is the Documentary Stamp Tax disbursed?
"From each two dollars and seventy five twenty five cents of tax collected pursuant to section 76-901, the register of deeds shall retain fifty cents to be placed in the county general fund and shall remit the balance to the State Treasurer who shall credit one dollar and twenty cents of such amount to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and twenty five cents of such amount to the Homeless Shelter Assistance Trust Fund, except that beginning January 1, 2002, and ending December 31, 2003, the State Treasurer shall credit the balance as follows: Fifty cents of such amount to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund; twenty five cents of such amount to the Homeless Shelter Assistance Trust Fund; and fifty cents of such amount to the General Fund and thirty cents of such amount to the Behavioral Health Services Fund." (Section 76-901 NE RSS)
What happens to a document after it is received for recording?
Our office records the document upon the same day of receipt. The document is proofread for obvious errors and a fee is ascertained. The document is then validated with a time, date and instrument number. It is entered into the computer by name, date, legal description, fee and comments. Next, the document is scanned so that an image is produced on computer. Each morning, the preceding day's recordings are checked for permanent record. They are then returned to sender.
How do I obtain a copy of my Deed? What do you require of me to locate my Deed?
Our office does not keep your original document but we do retain them on microfilm. We can produce a copy of your document for a fee of $0.20 per page or $1.50 per page for a certified copy. We prefer the legal description of the property, but we can search by name or address.
How can I obtain a copy/certified copy of my birth certificate?
The Hall County Register of Deeds does not hold any birth records. The Bureau of Vital Records houses birth records in the state of Nebraska. For more information you may call Vital Records at 402-471-2872 or the mailing address is P.O. Box 95065, Lincoln, NE 68509-5065.
Does your office have addresses of the owners of property?
No, this office cannot supply the address of the owners of property in our county. We can give you the owners name and legal description of the property. You may give that information to the Hall County Assessor's office and they may be able to tell you the address where they mail the tax statements.
Does the Hall County Register of Deeds have records of property of other counties?
The Register of Deeds Office in Hall County keep records of property only in Hall County. To find records of property in other counties you must go to that county's Register of Deeds Office.
Can the Register of Deeds tell you if you have clear title?
Our records are made available, but our office does not perform that service. Professional title examiners or abstractors use our records, as well as records from other offices to determine if a title is clear.