Program Description

Juvenile Diversion Program
MIP (Minor in Possession of Alcohol/Drugs) Diversion Program

The Hall County Juvenile Services Office provides programs and services to juveniles who have been referred by the City or Hall County Attorney’s Office for the Diversion Program or Minor in Possession Diversion Program. The diversion programs are designed for first-time offenders and are an alternative to having charges filed and appearing in Hall County Court.


The Attorney’s Office reviews reports from law enforcement and determines which juveniles are eligible for the Juvenile Diversion program depending on their age, nature of the crime committed, if this is the first time being offered diversion, and the juvenile’s prior criminal record (if any). If eligible, the juvenile and his/her parents will be sent a letter from the Attorney’s Office instructing them to contact the Hall County Juvenile Services Office to set an appointment. During the appointment between the juvenile, his/her parents or guardian, and the Juvenile Services Office, a six-month contract will be set up which shall include any or all the following conditions:

  • Payment of a $80.00 non-refundable program fee
  • Successful completion of a Decision Making Class
  • Payment of restitution for damage to person or property as determined by the Hall County Attorney’s Office (if applicable) (click here for a printable community service hours form)
  • Community Service hours (click here for a printable list of agencies)
  • A written apology letter to the victim(s)
  • Regular school attendance
  • Must refrain from criminal activity
  • Must refrain from the use or possession of alcoholic beverages, tobacco or illegal drugs.
  • Other programs and/or terms as determined by the Juvenile Services office such as: Juvenile Justice Program classes, Random UA test, Victim Impact Panel, Counseling, School Interventionist program, on-line 3rd Millennium classes, NA/AA meetings
If the juvenile completes all the terms and conditions of his/her diversion contract in the six month period, no criminal charges will be filed in Hall County Court and his/her case will be closed. If the juvenile does not complete and comply with all the terms of his/her contract or he/she declines to enroll in the program, the case will be referred back to the City of Hall County Attorney’s Office for prosecution.

MIP (Minor in Possession of Alcohol/Drugs) DIVERSION PROGRAM

The Attorney’s Office reviews reports from law enforcement and determines which individuals are eligible for the MIP Diversion program depending on their age, crime committed, if this is the first time being offered the MIP Diversion program, and prior criminal record (if any) involving alcohol. If eligible, the individual (and his/her parents or guardian if under 18 years of age) will be sent a letter from the Attorney’s Office instructing them to contact the Hall County Juvenile Services Office to set an appointment. During the appointment between the individual (and his/her parents or guardian if under 18 years of age), and the Juvenile Services Office, a six-month contract will be set up which shall include any or all the following conditions:

  • Payment of a $140.00 non-refundable program fee
  • May be required to obtain a drug/alcohol evaluation and comply with the recommendations of that evaluation
  • Drug or Alcohol Education Class, In-Patient or Out-Patient Treatment. (click here for evaluation agencies)
  • Community Service hours (click here for a printable list of agencies)  (click here for a printable community service hours form)
  • A written apology letter to his/her parents or guardian or any victim involved in the case
  • Regular school attendance
  • Must refrain from criminal activity
  • Must refrain from the use or possession of alcoholic beverages, tobacco or illegal drugs.
  • Successful completion of a Decision Making Class
  • Other programs and/or terms as determined by the Juvenile Services office such as: Juvenile Justice Program classes, Random UA test, Victim Impact Panel, Counseling, School Interventionist program, on-line 3rd Millennium classes, NA/AA meetings
If the individual completes all the terms and conditions of his/her MIP diversion contract in the six month period, no criminal charges will be filed in Hall County Court and his/her case will be closed. If the juvenile does not complete and comply with all the terms of his/her contract or he/she declines to enroll in the program, the case will be referred back to the City or Hall County Attorney’s Office for prosecution.